TIME or TASK? How Many Hours Should Staff Members Work? [Take 1]

I’m surprised how often both business leaders and pastors ask me about the number of hours they should expect out of a salaried staff member. The answer is a coin with two sides.

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As most of you know, North Coast Church offers a ton of worship options and styles each weekend. Currently members of our congregation can choose from 23 different local worship venues (with 16 unique styles and settings).

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Well, I guess I’ve seen it all now. Without any notice or any previous contact with our church, the local carpenters’ union has decided to wage a public protest in front of our church.

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PARK ‘N RIDE POSSE: “Ride With Me” Don’cha

Each weekend North Coast Church needs nearly 500 cars to park offsite and use one of our shuttle buses in order to avoid turning people away.

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MULTISITE CHURCHES: Two Things No One Seems To Have Noticed

Full disclosure – I’m a flag waving member of the multisite movement. I pastor a multisite church. But I’ve noticed two limitations that even the strongest proponents and harshest critics of video venues and the multisite movement seem to have missed.

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INNOVATION’S BLIND SPOT: Is Protecting the Past As Important As Creating the Future?

If Innovation’s Dirty Little Secret is that most innovations fail, innovation’s blind spot is the failure to see that protecting the past is as important as creating the future.

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