Accidental Pharisees Released Today

I’m excited to announce that my latest book, ACCIDENTAL PHARISEES has been released to the marketplace today.

Pre-sales have been amazingly strong. But there is always something special about finally seeing your book in stores and in the hands of readers.

In many ways I consider this to be the most important book that I’ve written to date. I’m passionate about creating full-on disciples. Always have been. Always will be. But I’ve become increasingly concerned over the past few years about the tendency of those at the front of the following-Jesus line to take their eyes off of Jesus and to start focusing on those who lag behind (and to do so with disgust and disdain).

It really is possible to be too zealous for God. That’s what happened to the Pharisees in Jesus’s day. Sadly, it’s still happening today. That’s why I wrote this book. You can get a copy from any Christian bookstore or online. Or you can click on “Larry’s Books” for links to online sellers.

Here’s a link to a short (1:56 minute) video about the book:

Let me know what you think.

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